Meet Cat
It is her intention to assist others through messages, energy work, and a variety of natural therapies, creative workshops, and handmade products to support your health in all aspects.
It is her belief that God, Spirit, and the Natural and Universal order of things communicate with each of us daily to assist us in our lives. To help us experience that which we came here for: In realizing our passions; Assisting us in overcoming our challenges; and Aligning us with our highest good.
As such, all services, workshops, meditations, art, and handmade products are inspired by or channeled with Spirit as the guiding force. All hold great personal and/or collective meaning.
Cat is a Master Instructor of both Usui Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy; A Trance Medium for your Soul’s progression and growth; and a Channel of Spirit Art and connections to Spirit through Nature. She is a lifetime student of energy, dream interpretation and card readings, along with many modalities of metaphysics and universal wisdom, and through connections to our higher selves, loved ones and guides.
She finds ultimate balance in connecting Heaven and Earth, assisting others to find their own answers through clarification, with clearing and revitalizing energy work and therapeutic creative practices. In the creation and usage of handmade ‘tools for your spiritual toolbox’ we can utilize the healing power of natural elements and more powerfully by working in sync with Nature’s seasons and cycles.
“Integrity and self work are of utmost importance to me. This work has been foundational in my processing and acceptance of many of life’s challenges, most importantly through the loss of loved ones including my oldest son and husband. The foundation of my experiences with Spirit truly helped me to move through these devastating losses. The ongoing gift of communication and connection have been simply irreplaceable.
I thank God for the gift and brilliance of leaving me here together with my youngest son as we recreate life, strengthening our bond to each other, but more importantly, to ourselves and really honing in on what we are here to do, what brings us joy and how we serve others.
I look forward to many more years of learning and creating for myself, my sons, and in assisting others in finding their health, loves and connections. I would be honored to help you find your passion and your balance, bring you gifts of healing and peace, and messages from your guides and loved ones.”
Honorably, ~ Cat ⊕
Master Teacher of Usui Reiki;
Levels I, II, III, Master & Teacher
*Beginning January, 2013; culminating Master Teacher status April, 2014

Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Master Instructor
* Beginning February, 2013; culminating Master Instructor status November, 2013

Over a decade of courses with various teachers, most notably with Tony Stockwell and Janet Sharp.
Though no certifications were received, I must acknowledge in gratitude and love, the 10+ years of support and learning under the tutelage of my dear friend and mentor, Janet Sharp. Thanks so much. I love you.
Mastering Trance Extensive, 1 yr, 2023/2024 ©️Tony Stockwell
Private Mentorship, 1 yr, 2022/2023 ©️Tony Stockwell
Platform Mediumship, 2022 ©️Tony Stockwell
Master Class to Expand Private Readings, 2022 ©️Tony Stockwell
TAP4, Trance & Assoc. Phenomenon, 1 yr, 2021/2022 ©️Tony Stockwell
Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain, 2019 ©️Betty Edwards
The Art of Connection, 2019 Roger Hanson
Basic Astrology 101, 2016 Kaypacha, New Paradigm Astrology
Journey Through the Signs, 2016 Kaypacha, New Paradigm Astrology
Fairyologist, 2016 ©️HayHouse
Assertiveness for Earth Angels, 2014 ©️HayHouse
IET for Pets, 2013 ©️Center of Being
IET for Children, 2013 ©️Center of Being
The 12 Steps to Transformation, 2013 ©️Center of Being
The Healing Angels of the Energy Field, 2013 ©️Center of Being
- Dream Interpretation
- Spirit Encounters
- Channeling, Mediumship, Trance
- Cleansing & Smudging
- Tarot & Oracle Card Readings
- Energy, Quantum Domain & Metaphysics
- The Four Directions & The Elements
- Shamanism
- The World Angel Grid
- Astrology
- Numerology
- Aura & Color Therapy
- Chakras & Meridians
- Crystals & Grids
- Herbal Product Making
- Intuitive & Spirit Art
- Design, Dressmaking, Tailoring
- Photography & more…
Schooled also at:
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), in design, dressmaking, tailoring, 1994- 1995 with hands on experience for 3 + years running a design studio. 1994-1997